

I crave strong, hot coffee and perfectly browned toast, but life often interferes. I choose to search for the beauty and humor in the chaos.


New Year's Resolution

New Year's Resolution

For years, I have made the same New Years resolutions as most of the world: eat better and exercise (a.k.a lose weight). However, near the end of 2012, Scott and I were watching Jeopardy. Jeopardy is a show I watch when I want to feel stupid. I usually can only answer a few of the questions, not even able to venture a guess on the others.

During one of the interview segments of the show, the host asked one of the contestants what he likes to do in his spare time. His answer? Not build rockets or write out the full answer to pi as I suspected. He watches about 150 movies per year.

This blew my mind! If this incredibly smart guy watches movies, then wouldn't that mean that if I watched the same amount of movies in a year, I could be just as smart?

I admit, the logic isn't sound, but I couldn't let the idea go.

And so, my resolution for 2013 became "watch 150 movies." Scott's response to my resolution: "Now that's a goal I can get behind."

At times it's been hard to keep up with my goal. Life gets busy. Some movies have been great! Some movies turned out to be so bad that I actually felt my brain turn to mush as I watched them.

All in all, I'm glad I completed my goal. They (experts somewhere) say it takes three weeks to develop a new habit. Developing habits like eating healthy, exercising, and getting organized are certainly worthy goals, but what about developing the habit of having fun? For people like me, who are goal-oriented, thriving on completing the smallest of tasks, taking time to have fun is a habit worthy of developing, too.

So I think 2014's resolution may be to play more games with my family. That sounds fun, doesn't it?

HunterBoy vs. the Evil Cucumber of Evilness

HunterBoy vs. the Evil Cucumber of Evilness

